Monday, October 16, 2006

Eight Years @ Anchor...

Sunday was a fun day for me. Parties are always fun, and I always enjoy our potlucks - especially the desserts. I was a bit disappointed there weren't more of them at this last potluck...there certainly was plenty of main courses though. Potlucks are always somewhat nostalgic for me, I remember as a kid meeting in the church basement, hanging out with all the other fifth graders, eating way too much good food. And desserts. Sometimes there were more desserts then main course...just the way I like it.

Hey, this post is supposed to be about Anchor...anyway, good potluck on Sunday.

Eight years...It's been a great time at Anchor...some of it has been very hard, but a lot of it has been very good.

If you want to walk down memory lane, go to the Anchor website and check out some of the pictures, there are lots of them there organized by year and event.

I think for me there have been different phases of my experience at Anchor. There was the start-up phase October 1998 - Summer 2000. There was the Hard Times phase Summer 2000 - Winter 2003. There was Lots of Change phase Spring 2003 - Spring 2007.

It's been a huge learning curve, being a pastor and starting a church. I've learned alot about people, about religion, about organizations, about expectations, about sin, about sorrow, about joy, about patience, about anger and frustration, about reconciliation, about deliverance, about failures, about getting back up, about trust, about letting go, about being content, about being ambitious, about being a leader, about being a teacher, about being a student, about being a husband, about being a father, about being a son, about being a brother, about being a nephew, about being an uncle, about being a friend, about being an acquaintance, about being...and becoming.

Some of my good memories of Anchor: the 2001 Mexico Mission Trip, the first Anchor anniversary 1999, the Tony/Marsha wedding 2005, softball and soccer, mens discipleship group, the Willow Creek Conference in 2003, the Neighborhood Relandscape Project 2006, and singing in church with my kids and wife. I also like to preach...I really, really enjoy it, alot.

What are some of your memories from the past eight years? We've had a lot of people come and bless Anchor, and Anchor has seen a lot of people go, to bless other churches and people. And we have lots and lots of people here as Anchor...which keeps me grateful and glad.

By the way - the best years are yet to come!


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