Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kierkegaard Quotes

Last Sunday's message instructed us to endure hardships, to "eat the worms God gives us", to carry on. Jeremiah wrote beautifully painful words in Lamenations, bold and blunt words of anguish directed at God...Yet...Yet...Yet God's mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.

Kierkegaard writes brilliantly concerning suffering and hardship in the life of following Jesus Christ. May these words be used by the Spirit to help you see life from His eyes...

"To suffer patiently is not specifically Christian - but freely to choose the suffering is."

"To be an alien, to be in exile, is the mark of Christian suffering."

"Adversities do not make a person weak, they reveal what strength he has."

"He who himself does not wish to suffer cannot love him who has."

"God punishes the ungodly simply by ignoring them. This is why they have success in the world - the most frightful punishment, because in God's view this world is immeresed in evil. But God sends suffering to those whom he loves, as assistance to enable them to bcome happy by loving him."

"To suffer rightly is to have a secret with God!"

- Provocations: spiritual writings of Kierkegaard, ed. Charles E. Moore; pgs 384-386

1 comment:

  1. prayer (in whatever religion) help us to trust on god , it results mental satisfaction and help us to fight with negative thoughts , overall you feel good after prayer
