Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Anna's Update

Anchor is glad to support Anna Geivett in her mission work through Food for the Hungry in the South American country of Peru. She is a UB sponsored missionworker, and comes out of Emmanuel Community Church (so did Anchor)! Recently she sent her friends an update following a Huntington University (her and my alma mater!) team's missiontrip, it included this piece:

The members of the Huntington team greatly encouraged our promoter within this particular community (Betty). Food for the Hungry has a promoter in each community that focuses on building relationships, discipleship , offering a variety of programs, meeting with and training mother leaders and community. Through the team, Betty was given a fresh enthusiasm for her community and her daily work (which at times feels discouraging and unsuccessful). We always pray that teams will be an encouragement to our staff and we saw that occur in Betty’s case. It’s been a few weeks since the team has left and she’s still talking about them.

This community is truly embracing the Vision of a Community that Food for the Hungry desires to see accomplished. Leaders are serving their people, men are becoming more actively involved in the community and initiating prayer, and families are working together to see their community progress beyond meeting their basic needs. They have vision for a better life. They have a vision for the future of their children and community.

Anna is a team coordinator for groups like HU students. She is a vital link between those called to do mission work, and those communities that could use some loving. Anchor supports Anna along with the other churches in our cluster, it's neat to see what teams can do, and it is neat to see what Anna can do through teams. What Anna is working towards in her Peruvian neighborhood is similar to what we want to do in ours: serve, strengthen, save kids, youth and their families - in the name of Jesus. It's one of the reasons why we're so glad to be a support to Anna. If you would like to support Anna, let me know and I'll get you connected to her.

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