Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Stopping Over in Salt Lake City

Today was a simple day: wake up in Winnamucce and drive to Salt Lake City in time to swim while it is still warm outside. So that is what we did. Except that we stopped at a Pizza Hut in Wendover, Nevada for lunch. It was supposed to be a quick stop. We had mixed feelings as we pulled into the empty lot...like I said earlier, I'm suspicious of restaurants without a crowd. The door to the restaurant was locked...at 12noon...another clue to turn away. But no, we really wanted to order a Taco Pizza (Eli doesn't like it when Tara eats red pizza sauce). We walk in to a very empty restaurant, with the classic PH sign: Please Wait To Be Seated. We seated ourselves, pulled a long line of tables together and waited. And waited. The lone employee came over to us, and we felt sorry for him. And the other three customers who walked in a few minutes after us. He did admirably well, but it was not a quick lunch break. And we didn't get our Taco Pizza. Oh well.

The rest of the trip to Salt Lake City was uneventful, other then our awe at the salt lakes. As we came over the hill and Wendover came in view, we were in awe at the vast salt plains. As we approached Salt Lake City we were in awe over the vast amounts of water that existed in this saltland. As a city goes, Salt Lake is fairly unremarkable. Not much of a tourist trap coming into town. Tonight we sleep just off of the Temple Square, we went swimming soon after arriving, but the pool was in the shade and breeze made it chilly - not that the kids minded.

Tara, Jerm and I just came back from a short walk around the square which is impressive. In it is a walled in area containing the Temple, the Tabernacle, various statues, gardens and offices. The block also has an enormous building dedicated to Joseph Smith, the home of Brigham Young, a gigantic office complex, and very pretty flowers everywhere. The whole area was very impressive, immaculate, imposing.

Tomorrow we head into Wyoming and plan to visit Fort Bridger and the Oregon Trial. Mum will love that, she used to be addicted to the game.

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