Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Silly Son Levi

Our bedtime routine includes a prayer time, hugs and kisses, and then before we tuck them into bed, the guys get to pick up to three stuffed animals to sleep with them. Usually they take turns on a stuffed Cat in the Hat, Isaac typically has Max the dog from the Grinch story, and Levi always has a puppy dog or a snake.

Tonight, when it came time for the guys to pick out their animals, Levi requested his Fruit Loops box. Huh?

"You want to sleep with your Fruit Loops box?"


"What do you want to sleep with a Fruit Loops box for?"

"I want my Fruit Loops box."

"Is it empty? Where is it?"

"I hid it so that Eli couldn't get it."

"You're not sleeping with a cereal box. Pick an animal."

"No, I want my Fruit Loop box."

"Oh, all right, I'll go get it. Where is it?"

Some of Levi's speech is hard to catch, so I thought he said that it was up on a shelf, and I assumed he meant in the pantry. Of course it wasn't there, I couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually Tara came down, muttering something about having Levi just come down to get the cereal box. She found it hidden under the lampstand, with the Christmas Grinch stuffed inside of it.

You should have seen the smile on my son's face as he embraced his Fruit Loops box...

Silly kid.

This is him getting his big box of Fruit Loops for his birthday from Aunt Shirley and Faye.


  1. So what happened when you took the Christmas Grinch out of the Froot Loops box and just handed him the box?

  2. I left the Christmas Grinch in the Fruit Loops box, I was kind of relieved that he actually had a stuffed toy in was of some comfort...maybe it wasn't really the box he wanted, but the toy inside of it. It seemed to me that he was using the box as a bed for the toy.

    My illusion was dashed in the morning when he came running into our room clutching an empty Fruit Loops was the cereal box after all that he was so fond of.
