Friday, February 08, 2008

Heaven May Not Be What You Think

N.T. Wright, in an interview with Time magazine, discusses what the New Testament actually teaches about life after death, or more accurately, life after life after death. Interested? Click here for the article.

Wright's book on this subject is Surprised by Hope; you can read some indepth reviews of it chapters here - written by Scot McKnight, a respected and thoughtful theologian who is picking through each chapter. You'll find alot to chew on. And it affirms some of my suspicions.

If you read and liked the Left Behind series, or adhere to that book's articulation of heaven, you may bristle at Wright's description. But I think Wright is right, and LaHaye and Jenkins are wrong.

I ordered Wright's book on Amazon, I hope to start reading it in a week or two. I'll share some of my thoughts here, and maybe you will to.


  1. It is with great shock and disbelief that I am commenting here. I can not believe my eyes are telling me what I am reading is correct. You think LaHaye and Jenkins are wrong?!?!?!

    I am Speechless.
    I am Dumbfounded.
    I am Utterly Befuddled.

    You probably don't believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy you?!?! Honestly Tim, I don't know what to think of you and your theology any more.

    (Insert laugh here)

    The best book on Heaven I have not completely read yet is "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. It is so full of detail that it is almost boring. However, it is an exhaustive break down/ explaination of what scripture says about heaven. For what it is worth Billy Graham says that, next to the bible, "Heaven" is the single most informitive book he has ever read on the subject. Of course, you probably think Billy Graham is wrong too!

    I will be getting the N.T. Wright book to go along with the Alcorn book I have. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. I'll have to get Alcorn's book, I've heard of it before, but I've not known anyone who said they had read it.

    I think what makes Wright's treatment unique is the attention he pays to what the OT teaches about "heaven". Wright contends that what Jesus and Paul and John reveal about heaven is rooted in what the Torah and Prophets teach about heaven. I don't think Wright starts with Revelation, nor does he spend much time there - and I'm sure he explains why in his book. Which is why I think the book will be so interesting.
