Friday, October 03, 2008

Some Good Bonhoeffer Stuff...

I believe that I know inwardly I shall be really clear and honest only when I have begun to take seriously the Sermon on the Mount. Here is the set the only source of power capable of exploding the whole enchantment and specter [of Hitler and his rule]. The restoration of the church will surely come from a sort of new monasticism which has in common with the old only the uncompromising attitude of a life lived according to the Sermon on the Mount in the following of Christ. I believe it is now time to cal people to this.
- from A Testament to Freedom, 424

God is gracious above and beyond all our sins. Those who want to take God seriously should look upon Christ. In Christ God's wrath is revealed as nowhere else, yet at the same time God's grace is revealed as nowhere else. If you think you are under God's wrath, than cleave to Christ!
- from A Testament to Freedom, 181

Everything must be judged by God. Anyone who evades this judgment of God must die, those who subject themselves to it will live; for to be judged by God is the grace that leads to life. God judges in order to have mercy and humbles in order to exalt. Only the humble will succeed.
- from A Testament to Freedom, 446

1 comment:

  1. This is great stuff Tim. Thanks for sharing.

    "I believe that I know inwardly I shall be really clear and honest only when I have begun to take seriously the Sermon on the Mount."

    I think we all need to be a little more "honest" with ourselves and be humble enough to admit it. I believe, only there we'll submit the reigns of our lives to allow to be lead to the life God desires for us.
