Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tim @ REVEAL - Morning One

Morning Number One is finished at the WCA REVEAL Conference.
Very Good STUFF.

One point they repeatedly stress: they have not come up with new ways to make disciples. What they have done is come across strong empirical facts for how certain biblical ways contribute to making disciples. What Bill, Greg and Dave all testified to was the increased boldness and confidence they gained from having these facts in front of them when it comes to leadership and disciple-making.

At Anchor we've simplified our mission, focusing on making disciples who love God and others. The big question is: HOW?

That's what REVEAL is going to get into more this afternoon and tomorrow. I've read the first book on the subject: REVEAL, and I just purchased the other one: FOLLOW ME (which has all of the 'best practices' ideas).

Takeaways from this morning:
Leaders must know what is God's part in making disciples, Leaders must know what is the church's part in making disciples, and Leaders must know what is the individual's part in becoming a disciple.

Leaders must understand what are going to be the catalytic experiences/events that people need that will help them move forward in their discipleship journey. The top four catalytic experiences? Increasing in useful knowledge of the Scriptures; Increasing in reliance upon Jesus Christ for everyday life; Increasing in meaningful service opportunities; Increasing in meaningful community experiences.

Leaders must understand the basic four stages of the people who are part of your church: Explorers (not know much of Jesus); Beginners (know some about Jesus); Close to Christ (consider Jesus a close friend); Christ-centered (reliant upon Christ in everything). Leaders need to know that that the hardest transition to make is from Close to Christ to Christ-centered. Leaders also need to know that it is the Christ-centered people who bring the most passion, resources, energy, maturity, and love to the church community. Leaders need to know how to use Christ-centered people to help those in the other stages move forward in their journey with Jesus.

Good STUFF. The question is still for us in our community: HOW?

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