Monday, December 29, 2008

How Icy Was It on Christmas Eve?

We had a great Christmas Eve service at Anchor on Wednesday night. Emma and Braden sang a duet together - her very first one: they sang Away in a Manger!

On the way home from the service, we drove around for a bit to look at the Christmas lights. After driving by the huge house with thousands of lights in Emerald Lake, Amy suggested we head home since her girls were getting hungry. It's a good thing she suggested it, because when we got home, we were in for a surprise.

It had gotten so icy that my car slid down our driveway!

As Tara and I were driving down our street towards our home, we saw a dark object sitting in the middle of the street by our driveway. We remarked in bewilderment at what was going on. Then we recognized a car sitting in the middle of the street, blocking almost the whole intersection; then we recognized the car as ours! I laughed, of course, and told Tara to get out of the van and take a picture. And then the cop showed up!

Here's the car sitting at the end of our driveway blocking the street. I had already parked the van in the garage (after backing up and then gunning it to make it up the icy slope) and was urging Tara to take a bunch of pics when the police officer arrived with all his lights on for dramatic effect. Jamil was the first one to hail the officer and put in a good word for me. I hurried down to the copcar to assure the officer that I was indeed the owner of the car and I just got home from our church's Christmas Eve service. No, officer, I didn't think my car would slide down my driveway. Yes, officer, putting salt down on my driveway would be a good idea. No, officer, I won't let this happen again. Yes, officer, you have a Merry Christmas too!
Me moving the Malibu before the police calls the tow truck! This was a great way to start our Christmas Eve party!

We eventually got the Wii going, we got kids eating cookies off the floor, we got toddlers guzzling egg nog, and Hannah praying that her mommy would beat Emma in bowling!

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