Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keep Leading Where You Are

Everybody has an opportunity to be a leader everyday. If you are in any kind of relationship, you are presented with multiple points where you need to influence the other person. To influence on purpose is to lead. Most people don't think of themselves as leaders. But if you become intentional with your life and continue to influence your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors for good, you are doing leadership stuff. So, the challenge: lead where you are.

Last Thursday and Friday I participated in The Global Leadership Summit. It's a gathering of top-notch leaders from across the nation and the world. Leaders who lead in the real world, who are intellectually challenging, are results-oriented, focused on the long haul. These are leaders who care and who are willing to work hard for the people in their life. 

Maybe you'd like to become better at leading where you are? Here's some of the notes I took from the two-day event - you'll likely find something here that is helpful. If it is, be sure to pass it on.

The ancient Israelites found themselves in The Land Between, having left Egypt as they headed for the Promised Land. We find ourselves in The Land Between when we use the phrase, "For Now...".
The Land Between is fertile ground for complaints and emotional meltdown. We think we were better off before. We dare to think that maybe we were better off without God.
But God provides in The Land Between. 
Do you reject the Lord when you wail?

The Land Between is fertile ground for the Lord's discipline and for transformational growth.
Love includes timely and appropriate discipline for a redemptive purpose.
The Land Between is that place where people of slavery become the people of God, by trusting Him each step of the way for what we need, for hope, for life.
The Land Between is also the place where faith goes out to die.

Complaints resist eviction from the heart. Invite Trust in to replace Complaints.
That place in your life you resent and hate, it is the space where God grows and produces the greatest gifts we most desire and need.

The founder of the company cared very much about the kind of organization he was creating, he wanted people who would collaborate together.
Consider the power of small teams in problem-solving together.
* people do not feel like a number
* everyone wants everyone else to succeed
* decision-points flow to has the best knowledge about the situation

We don't tell people what to do, we influence them in a desired direction - but they must want to do it. 
Have clear core values:
Belief that the individual can make a big contribution
Power of small teams
All in the same boat
Take a long-term view.

If you have an idea, how passionate are you about it? Will you help others buy into it?
Leaders explain ideas and help others understand decisions.
As CEO, take core values and help them adapt to today's fast changing culture; keep developing leaders, keep direction focused on the big picture.

Human motivation has three basic drives:
Biological Drive for hunger, warmth, sex, shelter
Reward/Punishment Drive
What I'm Interested In Drive
It is not humane to rely on on the first two drives when seeking to motivate those you work with.

The Reward/Punishment Drive is effective when the tasks are manual labor, mechanically oriented. It is least effective when the tasks require cognitive problem-solving and mental work of creativity.

If you begin with the wrong assumptions, you'll draw the wrong conclusions. If you believe that people are machines, or if you believe that people are blobs, you'll fail to properly motivate them. What you believe about people shapes what you can motivate them to accomplish.

Three Enduring Motivators:

Management is a technology from the 1850's designed to get compliance from people. What we really want from our coworkers is engagement. Enforcement of compliance: time, teammembers, tasks, techniques does not bring out the best in people. Come to agreement on what needs to be accomplished, and then let your fantastic people figure out for themselves when, with who, how it will get done.

Making progress is the highest source of motivation. Give people a big challenge, but then also give them ways to make progress. Give feedback. Clarify next right steps.

Profit is certainly a motive, but it is not enough. The purpose motive is more enduring. 

Authenticity: Be yourself. Don't misportray yourself. Be comfortable in your own shoes. Be someone who can be counted on. Avoid persona's.
Energy: energize people, bring them on board, get people onto the same page. Feel the vision. Accept that you don't always know what to expect. Raise the intelligence bar in the room by drawing out knowledge from those in the room. 
Candor: you need to get people to put on the table what they really think and feel.

Non-profit doesn't have to mean nonperformance.
Have the confidence to make the decision when you know you are right.
Don't ever, ever give up on a person.

Passion drives the best work.
People don't come to follow you, they come to follow Jesus. But they get stuck with you.
Passion poured out comes from passion poured in.
You can't be clones when it comes to passion.
Make sure your passion doesn't get diluted or polluted.

You need to know and feel that what you are part of is bigger, more important that yourself.
Ask people to stretch for what is reach of them, when you overwhelm them, you lose them.
It is easier to see the gifts in others than to see it in yourself.
Help people deliver what you promised.
Passion is: intensity, will, desire, and inspiration.

There are two kinds of leaders: builders and bankers. 
Builders get something started, Bankers keep it going. Both kinds of leaders need each other.

Confidants are those people who are for you.
Constituents are those people who are for what you are for.
Comrades are those people who are against what you are against.

For a leader and the followers (confidants, constituents, comrades), the followers go in the flow of the leader - who the leader is becoming will shape them.
You work best with people that you can read, who share the same spirit, the same big heart.

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