Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lead Where You Are - In the Morning

Everybody has an opportunity to be a leader everyday. If you are in any kind of relationship, you are presented with multiple points where you need to influence the other person. To influence on purpose is to lead. Most people don't think of themselves as leaders. But if you become intentional with your life and continue to influence your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors for good, you are doing leadership stuff. So, the challenge: lead where you are.

Last Thursday and Friday I participated in The Global Leadership Summit. It's a gathering of top-notch leaders from across the nation and the world. Leaders who lead in the real world, who are intellectually challenging, are results-oriented, focused on the long haul. These are leaders who care and who are willing to work hard for the people in their life. 

Maybe you'd like to become better at leading where you are? Here's some of the notes I took from the two-day event - you'll likely find something here that is helpful. If it is, be sure to pass it on.

Leaders move people from HERE to THERE.
An important key in moving people from HERE to THERE includes a clear vision of what THERE will look like. But even more important is a clear case for why we can't stay HERE any longer (this is the first task in influencing people in a particular direction).
As a leader who is a Christian in the Church: first discern what is breaking God's heart, then join Him in the that work.
You can't lead alone in the Church; seek to develop and attract fantastic people who will collaborate with you and others to get people from HERE to THERE.
When adding people to the team, look first for Character, then Competency, then Chemistry, then Culture.

When influencing people from HERE to THERE, be sure to celebrate key steps along the way, note the milemarkers - it's the middle of the journey that is the hardest, so sustain hope, lift up the vision, affirm the direction.
When influencing people from HERE to THERE, be sure to listen to whispers from God about what to do next. The journey is never in a straight line, life happens along the way, and there will always be moments when God speaks at just the right time. His prompts will save us from boredom, they will also save us from self-destruction.
The Spirit of God will prompt next steps, he will prompt ideas, he will prompt whole movements; he prompts often with short phrases, simple words. Don't blow off the whisper, listen, reduce the noise around you, trust him.

Be of great use to do great work. 
Good is the enemy of the great.
Greatness is not a matter of circumstance, but a matter of conscience and discipline.
Great enterprises fall from great to good to mediocre to bad to irrelevant to gone.
Anyone can fall, many do, but not all.

Great leaders understand that it is not about them, and they never, ever give up on what is right. They do whatever it takes, they make the right decisions, are humble about it, yet intensely focused. They are ambitious for the success of the group.
Bad decisions done with good intentions and noble purposes are still bad decisions.
Optimists die of broken-hearts. Never confuse faith and facts.
Greatness is a cumulative process, never the result of one moment, one event, never a surprise.
Execute growth with competency and with fantastic people. Resist growth until the right people are available to do it.
Preserve the core AND Stimulate progress.
Be Ambitious AND Be Humble.
Have Faith AND Accept Facts.

Lots of dark hopelessness in every neighborhood and in all nations.
This is our time, our generation: what are going to do about what is going on in our world on our watch?
Do we lead from a place of hope?
The truth will set you free - Jesus is still in the business of healing broken lives.
Think of the one, not the million.
People will let you down, and circumstances won't work out, but Jesus is always an Anchor for our life.
Hope compels us to go as a little bit of light into great darkness. All it takes is a little light. Go find some darkness.
Pray for change, and then work to answer your prayer.

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