Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Soccer in the Rain

It was a beautiful week. Sunshine. Blue skies. Pleasant breeze. And then Saturday woke up grey. As we loaded up the van, the sprinkling started. As we pulled up to the soccer fields, the rain came down harder. A wet field is always more fun for soccer then a dry one, but it's lousy for the fans! Fortunately, the kids were happy just to be out with their friends, ready to run around kick the soccer ball.

This is our team. I'm the coach, Emma's my assistant coach, and Eli is Emma's assistant. 

I'm not sure what my assistant coach is doing. 
The team is practicing their long kicks.

Levi is all smiles - he's got some classmates on his team, 
plus a friend from the spring soccer team!

I put my assistant and her assistant to work. They had to stand still next to the pylon. 
The players had to run at the goal and shoot the ball between my assistant coaches. 
Eli did a great job of being a statue. Emma had a hard time keeping still.

The best part of the soccer game? The snacks at the end!
After an hour of soccer, we were all pretty wet. Isaac played the last quarter with his coat on. 
Poor Aunt Faye was more wet then Levi, and she had an umbrella!

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