Friday, October 14, 2011

Audacious Collaboration

Christian Community Development Association audaciously works to lift up broken neighborhoods in the Spirit of reconciliation and restoration. Whether it is a startling story of unacceptable injustice, or the unnoticed tales of disintegration, CCDA involves itself to help.

Thousands of Christians across America and the world are participating in this renewal of all things. Its this mighty stream that Anchor is sipping from, that I am stepping into. Our neighborhood collaboration of churches and schools and non-profits and corporations and local government is a story that's being lived elsewhere as well. The good news can really be present in our communities.

We can develop people and places that add truth and beauty and freedom and goodness in the name and way of Jesus. To be part of Anchor is to be part of something much bigger than we could ask or imagine. God tells his people to seek the prosperity and shalom for their city. Is there anything for Christians and churches to do in our city of Fort Wayne?

Is Jesus wanting to still rescue the broken-hearted in your neighborhoods? Yes - especially when it gets messy and complicated. God moved into our neighborhood, became like us, was our friend, and set an example for his disciples for how to join him in his enduring work to renew all things. Renew broken school systems, broken economic policies, broken foreign policy, broken taxation system.

Sin is personal. Sin is systemic. Rescue and restoration are for individuals and communities.  God has big work for us in Fort Wayne. Its exciting to join with others in this work of development and shalom.

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