Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Note from Tabbie

Here's a note that one of our missionaries sent us. Tabbie serves in Vietnam teaching English. At the end of the note is some pics that she sent of herself with some friends.

If you don't currently support a missionary, and you think God is prompting you to do so, please contact me and I'll help you get set up to support Tabatha or one of our other four missionaries.


Hey Tim,

Thanks for the words of encouragement. They really are appreciated. I learned recently that I feel the most loved when I have words of affirmation from those around me. Techniqually you aren't around me, but you get the idea ;)

Things to convey - There are really so many things I could say, but there are just four main points to express.

One - I am so thankful for the support that I already have from Anchor as a whole and from the individuals. My Anchor family has been with me from the beginning and has always been an encouragement.

Two - I am where I am called to be. He has put the people of VN on my heart, and it has only become more and more clear - the longer that I've stayed.

Three - I couldn't be here without His hand guiding me along the way. He is my reason for being.

Four - I need more people joining me and my vision to be here. VN doesn't know about Him, and that's the reason I'm here. I can only stay - if people join me and Him where He has placed me to be.

Thanks Tim. I also attached a few pics from over here. I titled them reasons - 'cause these are the people who have touched my heart and increased my desire to stay in this beautiful country I love so much. I hope you continue to have a blessed spring! I'll talk to you soon.


In Him,

Tabatha M. Lamb
Team Vietnam -- Thai Nguyen

(Please remember the Correspondence Guidelines when replying back to me)

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