Monday, March 26, 2007

Welcome to Our World, Eli!

Today we celebrate the birth of our baby boy, Eli Martin Hallman!

He was born early this morning, March 26, at Dupont Hospital in Fort Wayne, 12:40am - he weighs 7lbs 11ozs, and is 21in, and has lots of black hair like his daddy and big sister!

Tara did wonderful, she is so strong and determined; delivery went quick and everything went well.

Emma, Levi and Isaac are glad for their little brother, and they look forward to teaching him lots of stuff...

Eli shares a middle name with his Daddy; Martin is my grandfather's name - I never met my mom's dad, he died of a heart attack while mom was a student at Huntington College. But I hear lots of stories about him, about what a great dad he was, especially after his wife Verona died while mom was in high school. We wanted to honor him and his impact on my mom's life, and my life.

Eli also shares a birthday with his Uncle Matt. Eli will only know his uncle through stories, just like me and my Grandpa Stucky. We love to tell stories of my brother Matt, and now it will be even more fun to celebrate his life, as we celebrate the birth each year of our son Eli on Matt's birthday. He would be 29 this year. Miss ya Matt...miss ya Ben...

I'll post pictures later tomorrow, or later in the week.

Thanks for the prayers and love and support!

Welcome, Eli!

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