Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sunday Sermon Notes 5.14.07

We start a new Sermon Series this Sunday, it's called: The Anchor Mission.

We're going to examine some classic Scripture texts that have shaped the being and doing of Anchor over the past eight years. We'll be retelling some good God-stories, remembering what He has been up to in us and through us.

The text for this Sunday is Hebrews 6:19a, our church theme verse: We have this hope as an Anchor for the soul, firm and secure (TNIV).

Dennis Miller was the one who thought of this verse as the source for the name of our new church. When we on the Transition team heard it, we knew it was perfect. And since that time, we've been a church that brings the hope of Jesus to our friends, family, fellow-believers and neighbors; and we've worked to be an anchor in our community. Of course, we are not perfect, and we've blundered, missed really good opportunities, been preoccupied with unnecessary issues, and been too tired sometimes. And there are other reasons, but more than where we have failed, God has not failed us, and He has been an Anchor for us as we serve as an Anchor for our neighbors.

In the sermon I'll point out some fresh insights into the meaning of the text, and it will become clear to us how this text can move us into the future with a new energy and a new vision.

Know anybody that needs hope?

Know anybody that needs an anchor?

Are we going to be the church where Jesus brings hope and an anchor to those seeking Him?

I say yes. What say you?

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