Now that Uncle Jamil is finished teaching the girls how to stack markers, here he is teaching ummm...let's see now, I think that is...Levi...or is it Isaac...hmmmmm ah, I think it is Isaac because he has a dark t-shirt underneath. Oh, as I was writing, here Jamil is teaching Isaac how to read. What a guy!

There was alot of literacy training at our Thanksgiving party, here Grandma Karen is reading to a grinning granddaughter.

The turkey was too much for me, and the fun was too much for Eli. I do believe this is THE perfect way to spend a Thanksgiving afternoon. One of my favorite moments as a Dad...

The big sisters Emma and Alia are proud of their little bro and sis.

Here's the gang at Grandma Karen's home, we no longer require all the children to look at the camera when taking pictures...it's really quite a pointless endeavor.

Again, no real need to look at the camera, or sit still for that matter; so here we are at Aunt Shirley and Aunt Faye's home with Uncle Jerm, Aunt Maria, Eva and Lydia.

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